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I am a Director, Concept developer and Writer from the Netherlands,  specialized in films, commercials and music videos. Keen on drawing since my childhood, I developed an interest in storytelling through my love for visual art. That journey led me to become a director.

After mastering in Directing at Prague Film School in 2011, I moved to St. Petersburg and co-founded Tree Film Productions. For three years I have created commercials, corporate films and promotion films for the Russian market. Since the beginning of 2015 I have channeled my focus into the telling of stories through film.

In 2018 my debut short film “Schuld (Debt)” got it’s première at the Netherlands Film Festival and won the Jury award at the Rabat International Film Festival.
The experimental short film “The Right One”, shot on a smartphone, has won the 8th International Iphone Film festival and is selected for several festivals.

Social themes with a personal flinch I try to challenge and inspire authentic stories. Brought to the screen with a sharp eye and a keen sense of atmosphere, I transmits human values in a light manner.

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Phone: +31 (0)6 – 422 053 54